
Transition to Retirement

Australians are living longer than ever before thanks to our high standard of living and medical advances. While this is good news, it also makes it likely that your retirement savings will have to stretch over more years.  Your retirement strategy may have to fund our lifestyle for over 30 years. Some of us will be in retirement longer than our working lives.

There are many ways to structure your finances to provide income and flexibility through your retirement years. When we draw up a plan, we conduct in-depth analysis to learn about you and understand your current situation and goals so we can present you with the most suitable options.

Life After Work

We can discuss your ideal retirement lifestyle, when you'd like to stop working - maybe you have travel plans. We use this information to work out how much income you might need in retirement and weigh that against your present financial position. We'll also discuss your attitude towards the various risks and returns involved in investing to ascertain the level of risk you are comfortable with.

We can show you tax-effective investment strategies and consider important things that some people overlook - protect your lifestyle and future income as well as your estate planning needs.


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