


Risk management is a key aspect of a sound plan. Insurance simply transfers the risk away from you to an insurance company. Most people understand this in relation to their material assets. Home, contents, cars are insured. But how much are you worth? What is the value of your income over the next 10, 20 or 30 years? What is your current level of debt?

Underinsurance could put everything that you have worked towards in jeopardy if something unexpected happened. And unexpected things do happen. Elimination or reduction of risk exposure is vital and we work with all major life companies to ensure that the most appropriate policies are recommended at the most competitive cost.

Insurance should replace the financial value of the person in the event of illness, accident or death. The main areas to cover are:


Type of Protection Description When should you consider
Income Protection

Designed to replace your income up to the age of 65 if you are unable to work due to illness or injury 


If you have dependents, if you are the primary income earner in the family, or if you could not afford to be without income for an extended period.
Life Insurance Pays a lump sum upon death or  terminal illness If you have financial dependents or do not wish to burden others with any debt left behind.
Total & Permanent Disability Insurance (TPD) Provides a lump sum if you are unable to work in your own or similar occupation again, due to illness or injury. If you have ongoing financial commitments that could not be met if you were unable to ever return to work.
Trauma Cover Provides a lump sum in the event of an injury or sickness as defined in the policy (eg cancer, heart attack, stroke). If you have insufficient capital to pay for medical attention, have financial dependents or do not wish to financially burden others if you suffer a serious illness

Talk to our experts to ensure you have the right cover at the right price.


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